What is a Bitcoin Node? Segmenting Bitcoin Nodes

Bitcoin node definition

Bitcoin node

Generally speaking, Bitcoin nodes refer to any device connected to the Bitcoin blockchain network, such as your Bitcoin wallet, super node, full node, and mining node. The above nodes are described in detail below.

Full node

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The initial synchronization of Bitcoin Core will take time and download a lot of data. You should ensure that you have enough bandwidth and storage space to accommodate the full blockchain size (over 200GB). If you have a good Internet connection, you can help enhance the network by making your PC running Bitcoin Core and the open state of port 8333.

With bitcoin core software, you can back up data in the Bitcoin network. You must be online to download sync data and upload sync information.

Super Node

The open full node has 24 hours online, and the network bandwidth must be high enough to quickly distribute data to other full nodes.

Mining node

The mining node is also a full node, which holds the Bitcoin blockchain information. The mining node participates in the problem solving of the Bitcoin network. Once the decryption is successful, it adds its newly created block to the main network and obtains a reward.
Mining nodes can be personal or pool nodes.

Wallet node

The wallet node can be a mobile phone or computer wallet. The wallet node does not need to back up all the bitcoin network information. The wallet node only participates in the P2P peer-to-peer transaction. The transaction information is waiting for the mining node to obtain the accounting right, and then the transaction information is recorded in a new block. In addition, transactions need to be rewarded with miners.